When facing racks of frames in an Optician, it can sometimes be daunting. It’s a major purchase choice, both for function and fashion. Picking the right frames can make or break your look, and knowing which frames suit your face shape will help ensure you make the right choice.
Firstly let’s choose which face shape you are. If your face is fairly uniformed in it’s shape, with any angles being rounded you have an oval shaped face. If you have a more defined longer face, with stronger angles and deeper forehead you have a rectangular face. Rounder face shapes are shorter in length, with rounded cheeks and chins and full cheeks. Square faces are similar length and width with a stronger chin and longer forehead.
Once you’ve spent some time staring at yourself in the mirror, and have decided which face shape you are, what frames will suit you the best. Oval faces are lucky and any shape of frame will work with your face. So maybe try something daring, you know you can rock it. For those with rectangular faces try a frame with strong brow line, to lengthen your face. Avoid shallow frames and they will lengthen your face. Round face shapes work really well with strong angular frames, but round frames might not be for you. For square faces, the opposite advice works. Rounded frames soften your face, especially the jawline, but square frames will over emphasise your face’s squareness. All of these are just advice of course, and you may find a pair of frames you just fall in love with, but if in doubt this advice should help.
Now it might be a bit tough to choose which face shapes you are, but now you know the basic shapes, and which frames suit each shape it means you are nearer to know the best choice of glasses for you. If you are still confused it’s always best to ask your optician for their help. Not only do they want to ensure you see as well as you can but they want you to look good while you’re doing that.
For more advice on which frames suit you come along to our style day on the 8th October, when Silhouette’s Nayna Darjee will be on hand to give expert advice. Simply book by calling 020 7485 3389, or online, mentioning “Style Day”.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mik Scarlet is a broadcast journalist and columnist, as well as an expert in the field of access and inclusion for disabled people. You may have seen him on TV! He also has a passion for eyewear.